Crossgates Primary School



 Welcome to the Owls Class Page!


Miss Bolton Mrs Hall
Owls 1  Teacher Owls 2 Class Teacher

Mrs Doggett Mrs Sutcliffe
Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant 1:1
Mrs E Doggett<br>Teaching Assistant


TTRS Champions

Trying on WW2 artefacts! 

Owls enjoying PE apparatus

Owls 1 have been busy making their Christmas cards!

Science - Refraction

Black History Workshop

To celebrate Black History month, Owls 1 & 2 took part in a black history workshop. They learnt about inspirational figures from the past and present and how they have impacted us today. The children had a great time and learnt lots of new facts. 

What we are learning?

Our 'Knowledge Organisers' tell you all the information about what we are learning and the skills we will develop this term.  These can be accessed via the Curriculum tab at the top of the page or by clicking here:


Please click on the link to view the documents:

Curriculum Long Term Plan Owls 22-23.docx

year 6.docx

Weekly Reminders:


 P.E and Games

On a Tuesday & Friday, your child should come to school already dressed in their outdoor P.E. kit with a school jumper/cardigan on. 

They will remain in their kit all day and do not  need to bring their uniform to change into.

Enrichment Club - Thursday 3.15 - 4.00pm