Crossgates Primary School


The Governing Body

The Governing Body meets regularly to discuss items relevant to the life of the school. During the meeting the Headteacher will present the ‘Headteachers Report’, which outlines the work of the school since the previous meeting. Elections are held every few years and parents who have children at the school are able to nominate or be nominated for election.

Name Registered Business Interest Governors at another academic Institution Term of Office Expiry Date
Co-opted Governors
Mrs M Hardman None None 4 years 19.01.2022 18.01.2026
Mrs E McMahon None None 4 years 21.11.2022 20.11.2026
Mrs J Taylor Holmes None None 4 years 02.03.2020 01.03.2024
Associate Member
Mrs Z Mills None None 4 years 09.02.2022 08.02.2026
Partnership Governors
Mrs S Doherty (Chair) None None None 25.11.2020 24.11.2024
Mrs J Norton  None None None Ex. Officio
Parent Governors
Mrs L Armitage None None 4 years 16.11.2020 15.11.2024
Mrs E Baranski None None 4 years 07.12.2022 06.12.2024
Dr P Hollingsworth (Chair of Finance) None None 4 years 23.11.2020 22.11.2024
Mr M Kernain None None 4years 09.06.2020 28.09.2021
Mr S Ashworth (Vice Chair) None None 4 years 28.09.2021 27.09.2025
L.A Governor
Mr D Watson None None 4 years 20.06.2022 19.06.2026
Staff Governor
Mr J Patterson None None 4 years 21.11.2022 20.11.2026


Governors - End of office within the last 12 months
Curriculum and Pupils (A) Finance and Resources (B) Pupil Discipline (C) Personnel and Pay Implementation (D)
J Norton J Norton L Armitage S Doherty
E McMahon D Watson S Doherty J Taylor Holmes
S Doherty E McMahon M Hardman D Watson
L Armitage (Chair) P Hollingsworth (Chair) P Hollingsworth
P Hollingsworth J Patterson J Taylor Holmes
S Ashworth J Taylor Holmes D Watson
E Baranski E Baranski
S Doherty S Ashworth
Z Mills
Personnel and Appeals (E) Performance Management (F) Complaints (G) Admissions
L Armitage  J Taylor Holmes L Armitage J Norton
P Hollingsworth S Doherty S Doherty P Hollingsworth
E Baranski D Watson M Hardman D Watson
P Hollingsworth
Z Mills
J Taylor Holmes 

Link Governor Information 

Area  Link Governor Link Staff Member
English  SA LF
Maths and Computing  PH JP
Art, Design and Technology SD VB
Modern Language DW FH
Music ZM JJ
Science MH LC
History, Geography and RE SD JD, KB & SH
PHSCE (Inc Sex Ed) LA CW
Health and Safety ZM JN
Assessment DW JN
Foundation Stage ZM MB
Safeguarding SA JN
Speech, Language and Communication Needs  DW & JTH EMC
Wellbeing LA JN


Additional governor Information

Governor Business Interest Relationships within school Any other governor establishments
Mrs L Armitage None Sister in law - TA None
Dr S Ashworth None None None
Dr P Hollingsworth None None None
Mr M Kernain None None None
Mr D Watson None None None
Mrs J Taylor Holmes None None None
Mrs S Doherty None None None
Mrs M Hardman None None None
Mrs Z Mills None None None
Mrs E McMahon None School Staff Member None
Mrs J Norton None School Staff Member None
Mr J Patterson None School Staff Member None